Providing Comprehensive Care to Patients With Eye Disorders
Glaucoma is a disease with several different causes, usually associated with elevated pressure in the eyeball, that can cause loss of vision by damaging the optic nerve. Left untreated, glaucoma can lead to blindness.
Open-angle glaucoma (OAG), the most common type of glaucoma, has been called the “sneak thief of sight” because of its usually insidious onset without any symptoms. A person with this type of glaucoma can be unaware of the slow irreversible loss of vision until it reaches an advanced state. Usually peripheral (or side) vision is affected first, but as the disease progresses, central (reading) vision is lost as well.
Narrow-angle (or closed-angle) glaucoma is much less common and can present with pain and/or a very rapid loss of sight in just hours, requiring immediate treatment to preserve vision.
Fortunately, research and technology has led to many medical and surgical treatments that preserve vision for the overwhelming majority of patients. Dr. Whitmore will make sure you get the best treatment for your type of glaucoma.
Dr. Whitmore’s office is equipped with the latest diagnostic technology for evaluating and diagnosing glaucoma, including high-definition optical coherence tomography (HD- OCT); and OCT angiography; OPTOS ultra-wide-field imaging of the retina, allowing undilated fundus examination (making blurry vision from eye drops unnecessary in most patients); and automated visual field testing. He also has the latest laser technology to treat both open-angle and narrow-angle glaucoma, including SLT (Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty), YAG, and diode lasers.
Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is a general term used to describe many conditions that lead to loss of function of the central portion of the retina (called the macula) that gives us our ability to discriminate fine detail. The retina is the specialized nervous tissue that lines the inside of the back of our eyes and allows us to perceive light. The very center of the macula (called the fovea centralis) is responsible for our reading vision and our ability to see fine detail in daylight.
Age-related macular degeneration refers to the deterioration of macular function occurring with advancing age. Macular degeneration can be categorized into wet and dry types. Nutritional supplements may be recommended for the dry type, but the wet type of macular degeneration requires timely treatment to prevent rapid deterioration of vision. Treatments for the wet type of degeneration may include injections of medications into the eyeball and/or laser treatments.
Dr. Whitmore’s office is equipped with the latest technology (high-definition optical coherence tomography with angiography) to help diagnose macular degeneration. He will assure that you get the best possible care through his network of highly-respected and well-trained retinal specialists.
Other Eye Disease
Many systemic diseases can manifest themselves in the eye with or without ocular symptoms. The eye is truly a window to the inside of your body. This is why it is a good idea to have a routine medical eye examination by an ophthalmologist (or Eye MD) at various times in our lives even if you think your eyes are fine. General information regarding eye examinations at different ages can be found in the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s public education website here.